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Increase Public Safety in the Keweenaw
Call to Action

KORC is in support of Keweenaw County in asking our elected officials to support House Bills 5172 and 5173, which will help the increasingly strained public safety services throughout Keweenaw County and all rural areas throughout the Upper Peninusla.

We are calling on all KORC members to contact Representative Greg Markkanen and State Senator Ed McBroom and ask them to support House Bill 5172, known as the “Tourism Reinvestment Excise Tax Act”, and House Bill 5173, which makes the necessary amendments in the “Regional Tourism Marketing Act”.

Tourism has steadily increased in the Keweenaw over the past decade and has dramatically increased in the last several years. Outdoor recreational activities by tourists result in measurably increased strain on local services, such as emergency response and policing. Passing House Bills 5172 and 5173 is critically important in generating local revenue that will be used in supporting life-saving services in rural communities across the Upper Peninsula. The bills, once passed and implemented, will help improve public safety throughout the Keweenaw’s pristine landscapes and outdoor recreation infrastructure.

KORC has already been working with State and local governments, along with a number of volunteers, to help efforts that address these issues through the financial support of projects such as a comprehensive trail marker and GPS system for EMS and First Responders. Now, state-level support is key in complementing the efforts already underway by KORC and our partners. Please contact these elected officials and let them know how important it is to support House Bills 5172 and 5173!

Download both the sample letter templates (Word format):


State Representative Greg Markkanen letter (Google Drive):


State Senator Ed McBroom letter (Google Drive):

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