Whether you live in the Keweenaw or visit on occasion, it's not hard to see that tourism is a major driver of our economy. In particular, the Copper Country's vast natural resources serve to attract people to the region year after year. They don't make shorelines, forests, and lake effect snow quite like they do here. From skiing at Mount Bohemia to camping at Fort Wilkins to waterfall hunting at the mouth of the Montreal River, there are seemingly limitless things to do outside once you cross the Lift Bridge. We are fortunate to have such a wide array of recreational resources at our fingertips.
These options help to bring in much-needed tourist dollars to our region, supporting countless businesses up and down the Keweenaw. All of those mom and pop gift shops, rental outfits, cabins, and restaurants depend on a steady flow of visitors to keep the lights on. In the summertime, mountain bikers and ORV riders fill beds and bar stools, while in the winter skiers and snowmobilers do their part.

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With thousands of acres of forest at the heart of the Keweenaw potentially coming up for grabs when massive investment funds eventually sell off their enormous holdings in our area, the future is bright for our outdoor recreation-based economy. If we can secure local control of our landscapes and work to strengthen our recreational offerings, the benefits to our community will go beyond having more fun in the woods. Better trails, both motorized and non-motorized, bring in more visitors keen on checking out the best of the Midwest. These visitors inevitably must fuel up for their adventures at local restaurants and rest at regional lodging. Visitors to the Keweenaw aren't shy about supporting businesses that make the area special, and with more people heading north our economy will continue to thrive.
If we help it, that is. Local control over Keweenaw County's vast investor-owned landscapes is critical if we are to build upon our success and make the Keweenaw a true international destination for outdoor tourism. Join or donate to KORC today and help secure a strong future for our community!