Summers in the Keweenaw are dictated by what berries are in season. It's hard to resist the urge to stop by a loaded bush of ripe edible berries, no matter what variety they are. Whether you're mountain biking on the trails at Copper Harbor or four-wheeling out to High Rock Bay, you'll almost certainly run into thimbleberries, blueberries, bilberries, or any number of other tasty trailside snacks.

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While the exact location of your favorite berry picking spot will forever remain a secret, many of the best locations can be found on lands owned by investment firms in the heart of the County. These absentee owners care more about the return on their investment than where the community picks berries for jam. Picking berries on land enrolled in the Commercial Forest program is perfectly legal, but if this land is sold to generate shareholder value and pulled from the program, access will almost certainly be lost. Without even selling the land, these investment firms may gate access roads to private vehicles. Hauling gallons of ripe berries for miles from your favorite patch just became a lot harder.
Local control over Keweenaw County's productive landscapes is vital if we want to protect our annual berry picking traditions. Help us protect our way of life for future generations by joining KORC or giving today!