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ORV Riding

To truly explore the backcountry of Keweenaw County, your best option is to hop on your ATV or side-by-side and hit the trail.  A network of two tracks and rough logging roads stretch from Ahmeek to Cliff Drive to High Rock Bay and everywhere in between.  Whether you're just heading up the trail to meet a friend or seeing what's at the end of that long-forgotten road, the Keweenaw's robust ORV trail network is without a doubt the most scenic route.  Your new favorite place could be right around the next bend in the trail, just waiting to be discovered.

ATV Group.jpg

Photo Credit:

Devin Leonarduzzi

ORV trails are protected by landowner agreements and easements, two tools that are essential for keeping trails open and accessible for all users.  However, although our trail riding experience is incredible as-is, there's always room to grow.  Doing so requires willing landowners.  Miles of additional trails could be established if we can secure access to these parcels, opening up huge new areas to fish, hunt, camp, and explore during the summer and fall seasons.  Permanent access to the heart of the Keweenaw also prevents fragmentation of the landscape, ensuring existing trails aren't cut off by landowners unwilling to allow trails to cross their property.  Not every trail or two-track are protected by easements, and those that aren't can be lost for good.


We must act fast though, because each year we lose more and more land to privatization.  Every parcel lost is more work we must complete to establish new trail corridors, if these new landowners are even willing to listen.  A single investment firm owns tens of thousands of acres in the interior of Keweenaw County and has been slowly selling off chunks of land to satisfy their faraway fund managers.  Trail access is not at the front of their minds when profit margins must be met.  Securing local control of the vast investor-owned lands at the heart of the Keweenaw is crucial if we are to expand our ORV trail network in the years to come.  Help us open up new areas to explore by joining KORC today!

© 2025 Keweenaw Outdoor Recreation Coalition.

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