Latest Call to Action

Help secure over 6,100 feet of Lake Superior shoreline + 85 acres
FOR THE PUBLIC with the State of Michigan.
Your memberships and contributions will help KORC bridge the funding gap and ensure these inholdings at the Keweenaw Tip are added to State public lands, and are protected forever. KORC continues to expand public lands in Keweenaw County with community-centered conservation.
Together we protect the Keweenaw.
Access for Everyone, Forever!
Support KORC
Whether you live or vacation here, the Keweenaw is a magnificent place for all outdoor recreation enthusiasts. Our vast undeveloped landscape hosts few roads or subdivisions, miles of motorized and self-powered trails, abundant wildlife, sparkling inland lakes, winding rivers, and rugged Lake Superior shoreline – but "our land" is not our own.
We need strong, grassroots leadership and community management to preserve public access for generations to come. Your membership is key in supporting that!
No matter the amount, every dollar helps. Make your membership donation using the online form or by downloading the print-ready form at the link and mailing it in.
Recommended memberships donations for the Keweenaw Outdoor Recreation Coalition:
$20 – Individual
$50 – Family
$100 - Organization / Business
Want to join or renew via mail?
Download a KORC membership form here.
Please send your donations to:
Keweenaw Outdoor Recreation Coalition
PO Box 300
Mohawk, MI 49950